Congrats to Brittany, Holly, and Danae Bauman of Mays Landing! These three proud daughters submitted a poem about Dad, and ended up giving him the ultimate Father's Day gift...
Breaking News: Father's Day is this Sunday. I know it just occurred to you, just like every year.
Before you do any last minute shopping, bear in mind the following things that you probably shouldn't give 'Dear old Dad'.
Thinking about gifting Dad with a USB-powered Foreman grill? How about a superhero bathrobe? Think again because according to a new survey by Yahoo! those items are high on a list of Father's Day gifts men regret getting! Read More to see where else you could go wrong with dad this holiday.
As SoJO 104.9 salutes dads of all kinds for Father's Day, it has me thinking about all the things my dad has done for me. I have come up with 5 distinctive things my dad has given me.