Billie Lourd thanks fans for support after losing her mother (actress Carrie Fisher) and grandmother (actress Debbie Reynolds) over the course of one day.
With Carrie Fisher’s death came an overwhelming amount of tributes and love from her friends and co-stars. A ton of celebrities took to social media to share their grief and funny anecdotes with the rest of us, including many who had known her in a galaxy far, far away. Oscar Isaac, who plays Poe Dameron in the new Star Wars trilogy, shared a photo of Fisher and Mark Hamill on his Facebook page.
In what may turn out to be one more giant hardship for 2016, troubling reports are coming in that Star Wars legend and all-around icon Carrie Fisher may be in critical condition. Fisher reportedly suffered a “massive” heart-attack aboard an airplane, and has been rushed to the hospital.
When you’re out promoting a movie, you’re often asked to do a lot of things, most of them pretty silly. With the amount of press the cast of Star Wars: The Force Awakens was being asked to do, there were asked to do a lot of silly things, none perhaps as silly as going on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon and singing a medley of Star Wars music a cappella. But the entire cast — including Harrison Ford! — actually commits, and it actually turns out to pretty fun.
'Star Wars: Episode 7' has finally announced its cast after a long process that has spanned months of speculation and rumors. The stars of the original trilogy - Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Anthony Daniels, Peter Mayhew and Kenny Baker - have finally been confirmed, and they'll be joined by newcomers to the franchise Oscar Isaac, John Boyega, Max von Sydow, Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver