It's probably something you wouldn't notice unless it was pointed out - but when I was growing up, it was pretty common to see these at nighttime - so why now is it such a rarity?
They're creepy, they're crawly, they're microscopic, and they're sweet on your skin. Bed bugs are gross, and new research shows New Jersey is surrounded by them.
There's a place along the Jersey Shore that's dedicated itself to showcasing some of the world's ickiest bugs, while educating visitors on the importance of their existence. It's called Insectropolis.
While summer brings along with it many fun activities, it also brings along a great deal of bugs. Use these tricks to make dealing with bugs easier this year.
It's just another one of those South Jersey things. Pork Roll vs. Taylor Ham. Hoagies vs. Subs. Lightning Bugs vs. Fireflies. Regarding the summery insects, here's what our listeners had to say.