Are A Lack Of Bags To Blame For Cart Pile-Up In Brigantine, NJ?
Well, New Jersey's plastic bag ban has been in effect for over two months now. How are you holding up?
Most people in the Garden State will tell you that aside from forgetting to grab your reusable shopping bags from the car before going into a store, the ban hasn't really been that bad. Sure, running back out for your bags is a tad inconvenient, but hey, at least you're getting your steps in, right?
There is one aspect of the ban that might've been a bit of an oversight by the powers-that-be that probably should have been addressed before instituting the plastic bag ban throughout New Jersey. What about the people that use public transportation?
Allow me to elaborate.
New Jersey residents that use public transportation may have some difficulty getting their groceries from the store to the bus stop. Not that the plastic bag ban was the first time people had to carry their groceries from the check-out line to the bus stop, but having to anticipate how many bags you'll need may cause a bit of problem.
Stay with me here...
Imagine a mother of two toddlers out on a shopping errand. Not only does she have to cart around everything the kids need, but she also needs to bring the right number of bags for the groceries she needs. Then, after she's done shopping, she's got to get her groceries, kids, extra reusable bags that she didn't use, back to the bus stop.
So, what does that mean? It means the grocery store shopping cart gets left near the bus stop.
That's what Brigantine has been seeing a lot lately right near the bus stop outside of the island's sole grocery store. There's been quite a few times over the last few years that Acme shopping carts have piled up next to the nearby bus stop in Brigantine.
Is it annoying for workers to gather the carts and put them back? Sure. However, what are people who take public transportation supposed to do? They really don't have another choice. If they're carrying all these extra reusable bags under their arms along with the ones filled with groceries all while keeping track of the children in tow, then stores will just have to accept the fact that carts gone rogue are going to be a regular occurrence now.
Check out the pics of all the carts piled up near the Acme in Brigantine HERE.