Meet Hampton–My Big Bunny Wow Moment!
Say hello to Hampton of Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue! He's the biggest bunny rabbit I've ever seen! An unexpected surprise for me while visiting Eastern High School's craft fair over the weekend in Voorhees! Love at first sight!I thought Kristie (Hampton's handler seen here in the photo with me) was holding a cocker spaniel when I approached her. Lol. Hampton is just one of the many homeless and displaced rabbits and small animals Little Miracles seeks to find homes for. Kristie told me many rabbits are given as Easter gifts, and then simply abandoned after the holiday. Little Miracles Rabbit Rescue is a no-kill shelter and they currently care for approximately 100 small pets currently in need of a loving family.
This weekend (December 9-11) LMRR is hosting it's annual Jingle Ball at its facility in Atco, NJ with prizes, fun for the kids, and of course, a chance to meet and greet the adoptable animals and those who make their lives safe. They will also be accepting donations for the shelter if you're feeling generous.
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