"Abby" is having a big birthday celebration this weekend. Of course, every birthday is a big one when you are 168 years old.

Abby, aka, the Absecon Lighthouse is having another big birthday and you are invited this Saturday and Sunday, Jan 11th-12th at 31 S. Rhode Island Ave in Atlantic City.

This is a great time to visit the Atlantic City Inlet's most famous resident and the oldest structure in town, protecting ships and mariners since 1857.

Free Birthday Climbs For Kids This Weekend

Absecon Lighthouse, New Jersey’s tallest and the country’s third tallest masonry light, is celebrating the 168th anniversary of the lighting of its historic first-order Fresnel Lens, first lit on January 15, 1857.

Absecon Lighthouse is offering free climbs of its 228 lighthouse steps for kids 12 and under this weekend and a 2-for-1 deal on the climbing fee for everyone else.

Absecon Lighthouse Fun Facts

  • First lit on January 15, 1857
  • New Jersey's tallest lighthouse at 171 feet tall
  • The third tallest masonry lighthouse in the US
  • The lighthouse has a total of 240 steps, with visitors able to climb 228 to the watchroom
  • The only lighthouse in New Jersey with its original first-order Fresnel Lens still in place at the top.
  • Although Absecon Lighthouse was officially decommissioned in 1933, the lens is lit every evening for you to enjoy

How to Help Keep the Light Shining

In honor of Atlantic City’s beloved oldest structure, Absecon Lighthouse is asking for donations to keep this iconic light shining.

As a way of saying thanks for your donation,  you will receive a personal thank you from dear Abby commemorating your donation, as your kindness will be appreciated.

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