New Jersey is a beautiful place to live. I love almost everything about it. Much like an epic plate of food, our state is very Instagram-able.  So what's the top IG-worthy spot?

New Jersey Family did a survey to see what people thought were the most post-worthy spots in our state and while I'm down with some of these spots chosen, they left out some AMAZING IG moments right here at the Jersey Shore and South Jersey.

Their picks included:

Not wrong, just not complete. What about the gorgeous moments we see at these Jersey Shore destinations:

Some Of New Jersey's Most Beautiful Spots

Some of the most beautiful places in New Jersey.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but let's remember the Jersey Shore has to be in the mix or it is just not a worthy list!  What are your most beautiful pics from our area?  If you have a sunset if you captured that perfect wave or a dolphin making an appearance send it to me and I'll publish it on our station website for all to enjoy! Make sure to give yourself credit and name your local town as well.

There is so much beauty out there and I want to see your most IG moment!

We are a lot of things in Jersey and humble is not one of them.  LOL!  Here is a very comprehensive list of why New Jersey is better than every other state in the country from A-Z.

The Joyous Jersey Shore and Why We Love it: From A to Z

OK, we have to be fair, there are some dangers too. These are the New Jersey cities that were ranked on the most dangerous list.

The 25 Most Dangerous Cities in New Jersey


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