When was the last time you took a moment to sift through your wallet?

The last thing you want is for your personal information to be exposed, which is why it's so crucial to regularly declutter your wallet and keep in it only what's truly necessary.

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The average fraud victim loses more than a thousand dollars, according to reports.

Discover had a list of things you shouldn't carry in your wallet to help fight against theft and fraud.

It's not until your wallet is stolen or goes missing that panic sets in, as you start to realize just how many personal details are tucked away in it, just waiting to be misused.

What are the items you should NEVER carry in your wallet?

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I once had my wallet stolen and I'll never forget someone telling me I should've taken a picture of everything inside.

Such a simple idea, but it was too late!

Trying to figure out what I needed to cancel or put on hold was overwhelming, especially when realizing how many cards and how much personal information was tied to that wallet.

It was a big mess!


Having this confidential information in the wrong hands can have long-term consequences including identity theft, bad credit, and bankruptcy.


Here are the items you should remove from your wallet right away to minimize the risk of financial loss or identity theft.

Things Not To Carry In Your Wallet

Gallery Credit: CANVA

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Gallery Credit: Sue Moll

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Gallery Credit: Chris Rollins

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