How New Jersey can celebrate Face Your Fears Day this week
I know, I know, there’s a “national day” for everything now, but this one caught my attention.
Tuesday, Oct. 10 is National Face Your Fears Day, a perfect holiday now that we’re in the middle of spooky season.
According to NationalToday,
this day is an opportunity to step out and overcome things that are holding you back.
Now before you get your back up and claim you have no fears… impossible! Whether it’s based on past experiences, uncertainty, or just some irrational part of your brain that won’t shut up: we all are afraid of something.
So what are some Jersey-centric ways to face our fears? I can certainly think of a few.
Go to Trenton with your wallet exposed
Just reading that must have sent a chill down your spine. What could be more terrifying in the Garden State than Trenton politicians knowing you have money on you?
Pump your own gas
While other states seem to be able to handle this on a daily basis, time and time again New Jerseyans have made it clear that they think doing this is somehow unsafe.
Confront this feeling on Tuesday, NJ! Cross the border over to PA and fill the tank yourself.
Go find the Jersey Devil
Take a trip out to the Pinelands once it gets closer to dark. See if you’re brave enough to attempt to come face-to-face with the Jersey Devil.
You can probably attract him with a fresh slice of Pork Roll.
Drive in the left lane behind a PA driver
It would take the bravest New Jerseyans to do this for longer than a few minutes. I think you technically may be putting your mental health at risk.
Bonus points if there are also potholes involved.
Read a bunch of big words
I know that may have seemed to come out of nowhere, but it’s actually based on a study that was put out last year.
One of the most common phobias in New Jersey is the fear of big words, also known as (you may want to sit down before reading this, it’s a bit of a doozy):
Face your fear on Tuesday by attempting to pronounce THAT, it's one of the longest words in the dictionary.
Drive on a road heavily populated by deer
Doesn’t it seem like almost everyone has either hit a deer with their car or has been hit by one? There are over 15,000 collisions each year in our state, and I can speak from personal experience that it leaves you shaken up.
Put your car’s (or the deer’s) durability to the test by going down a dark, deer-riddled path.
So this Tuesday be prepared to put on a brave face and tackle your fears. If anyone can do it, a New Jerseyan can.
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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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