Reddit Man Gets Ex-Wife and Kids Uninvited From Halloween Party
A man on Reddit got both his ex-wife and his kids uninvited from a Halloween party due to his ex's shenanigans.
To set up the story, the man explained in his post that he and his ex have been divorced for six years and share two children under 10 years old together.
"The divorce was not unusual but a pattern emerged during that time where it seemed like my ex would try to intrude into my business whenever possible. Her boundaries are not good, or rather, her willingness to respect my boundaries," he shared.
"Some limited examples include: I kept the home, but even after moving across the city she felt entitled to enter my home whenever she wanted, she created fake social media accounts to try and keep tabs on me..." he said.
"And [she] freaked out on me several times when I started dating, despite being in a relationship with her affair partner," he added.
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Because of his ex-wife's behavior, the man decided to remove himself from areas in their lives where there could be cross-over, which included making new friends of his own.
"Recently my ex took my oldest to a birthday party for one of my friends’ kids. Apparently during that party the moms were talking about our Halloween party coming up around my ex," the man revealed.
"According to my ex, she was invited to bring the kids, and according to my friends, she invited herself via text after the birthday party," he explained.
It wasn't his turn to have the kids for Halloween and he didn't want his ex at the party, so he offered a compromise.
"I told [my friends] that I need her to not be there and that I’d offer to have the kids and bring them to the party if she wanted," he said.
"Not surprisingly, my ex didn’t go for it and was insistent that she was going," he went on.
This led to an extensive argument between the two exes about boundaries.
"I finally ended it by telling her that she had been uninvited and I was the one communicating it on behalf of my friends. She then told my kids that I uninvited her from the party and they were mad at me for a few days," he revealed.
Many Reddit commenters agreed that the man was right to set a firm boundary with his ex.
"Your ex ain't respecting your boundaries. She's acting like they're just suggestions, not rules. You're all about keeping peace, and that's chill," one person wrote.
"Classic case of projection for one thing by blaming you for the exact thing she’s doing and then trying to have her cake and eat it too," another person commented.
However, some people thought that the man should try harder to keep the kids out of the disagreements.
"Don't involve the kids in your fights. In this case they are the ones directly affected, by being uninvited, just because you and your ex can't be civil. So try to find some common ground with your ex for you kids' sake," one Reddit user said in the comments section.
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Gallery Credit: Lauryn Snapp