New 640 Area Code is Coming to South Jersey
The way you dial is going to be changing as a new 640 area code gets introduced in South Jersey.
We are running out of 609 and 856 numbers, so regulators have approved the brand new 640 area code for phone customers in the 609 and 856 areas of Jersey.
So, what's going to change? According to APP if you are in a 609 or 856 area code, you will be forced to dial all 10-digits of the phone number within 609 or 640.
Starting Jan. 20, 2018, if you are:
- Calling from a 609 or 640 area code to another 609 or 640, you'll need to dial the area code and the seven-digit phone number. No need to dial a 1 first.
- Calling from 609 or 640 to 856 or any other area code other than 609 or 604, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code and the seven-digit telephone number.
- Calling from 856 to 609, 640 or any other area code other than 856, you'll need to dial 1 plus the area code and the seven-digit telephone number.
- Calling from 856 to 856, you'll just need to dial the seven-digit telephone number.
Got all that?
Until Aug. 18, 2018, you'll be able to use the old and new dialing procedures. Starting Sept. 17, 2018, new telephone lines or services in the 609 area may be given new numbers from the 640 code.
[source: Asbury Park Press]