Grab few friends, have a few drinks, and throw some axes!

I did a triple-take when I saw this new business in Cherry Hill called Bury The Hatchet. It's an axe throwing club. Yep, a freaking AXE THROWING CLUB...and it's BYOB (just no hard liquor)! It just keeps getting better!!

It's the first competitive, indoor axe throwing club in New Jersey. Think of it as a cross between an indoor shooting range, bowling alley, dart league...but with axes...or hatchets to be more accurate.


This video was posted on YouTube by Video by Andre Malok | NJ Advance Media for


There are plans to open 2 more axe throwing clubs in New Jersey, but this one in South Jersey is THE FIRST.

Check out Bury The Hatchet's Facebook page. It runs about $40 for two hours of axe slingin' fun.


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