Did you know SoJO is more than just music? Sure, we have the best selection of today's top songs and the best DJs in the business, but we also offer a complete lifestyle website that matches your interests. So whether you're into catching up on your local news, nightlife, music, or anything else you might like, give sojo1049.com a try. Here's a look at the type of things you'll find:

And there's more! SoJO 104.9 has an exclusive VIP club we call, Friends With Benefits. So, what are the benefits? Well, you can play a ton of games and trivia to earn points. The more points you have, the more you can enter into contests. Now you're probably asking, what can I win? Right? Of course you can get concert tickets, passes to events and all that stuff you can win with any radio station, but here's what else you can score by just joining SoJO's Friends With Benefits:


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