We will officially say "so long" to summer, and welcome fall a week from Friday, 9/22. That fact of course, makes this will be the final weekend of Summer 2017. If you haven't gotten your fix of fireworks, there is still one more chance in Wildwood!  

Summer will go out with a bang (literally) at the last fireworks spectacular scheduled for Friday, September 15, according to Shore News Today.

The fireworks display, which will originate from the Pine Ave Beach, will also honor Firefighters Weekend and the annual Convention of the New Jersey State Firemen, which is happening at the Wildwoods Convention Center. The annual Firemen's Parade is scheduled for Saturday (9/16) starting at  2 PM. The parade runs along New Jersey Avenue, according to Shore News Today.

You'll be able to see fireworks light up the sky on the beach and boardwalk from all over the Wildwoods. One more blast for the summer of 2017!


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